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I know you want to follow God and want to read the Bible. However, if you are like 99% of the women I meet, this is a struggle for you. Like our diets that we seems to fail or put off until next Monday, our time in God's Word has a similar cycle. 

No more. It stops today.

You can read God's Word. It is life, it is the light. If we say we follow Jesus, we must fix our eyes on Him and follow His ways. We can only know those ways by reading about His story, which becomes our story. You have time to do one of these reading plans. This isn't a crazy time to commit to something like this, it's the best time. We have support and tips to help you. But know you, sister, you can do this! 

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Follow these Three easy steps: 

STEP 1: Find the plan that is best for you (we have 4 to choose from).

STEP 2: Do this with others (we can help you find others, if you need it).

STEP 3: Remember a few things. 

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These plans are just guides to help you be intentional with your time with the Lord, but completing them is not the goal--connecting with Jesus is the goal. Loving God, as we love others, is the goal. Just the other day we heard from someone in the tribe who toke an entire year to complete the 90-day Read the Bible plan from last summer. That, my friend, is grace--to choose Jesus, over legalism... and laziness. Don’t give up on this! Taking a year to do a 90-day plan isn’t failure, it’s growth, endurance, and discipline. (And be sure to check out Steps 2 and 3 because they will help you not give up—so that this isn’t another thing you wanted to do but something you’ve done!)

Note: When you click to get the plan, a link will show as a confirmation on the screen for you to download your plan (PDF). 

Read the letters (epistles) in 90 Days

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You will find yourself feeling like you are reading the diary of the early church. These letters were crafted just for them to guide these first followers of Jesus. You will be captivated by realizing that many of their own struggles are not so different than yours today. The letters, also called the epistles, include: Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 123 John, and Jude. This plan will take you on average of 20 minutes per day (reading on average of 1-2 chapters per day).

Submit to get your FREE PDF of Read the Letters (Epistles) in 90 Days:


Read the Bible (yep, the whole thing) in 90 Days

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This plan is a big commitment. However, it give you an incredible overview of the entire scriptures. You will uncover so many of the threads that go all throughout scripture. Doing a plan like this is similar to how you can view things from an airplane in the sky--you fly over things fast but you get to see the bigger picture of the whole story. You can expect to read at least an hour per day

Submit to get your FREE PDF of Read the Bible in 90 Days:


Read the new testament in 90 Days

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When you've completed this plan you will have learned the entire story of Jesus's life on earth, His death, His resurrection, and the days of the early church. Reading this material will change your life. This plan will take you an average of 30 minutes per day (reading on average of 3 chapters a day).

Submit to get your FREE PDF of Read the New Testament in 90 Days:


Read the Psalms in 90 Days

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The Psalms is a book of poetry or songs. The beauty of the Psalms is it reads much like our emotions read--high and low, happy and sad, praising God and questioning Him. The Psalms gives us permission to feel all of our feelings--the ones that are Instagram worthy, and the ones few see. The Psalms shows us how we can ask God why and let Him know we fully trust Him. This plan will take you on average of 20 minutes per day (reading on average of 1-2 chapters per day).

Submit to get your FREE PDF of Read the Psalms in 90 Days:

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Research proves that when we do things in groups, we are more successful. I know things are crazy, but consider joining or starting a group so you an all hold each other accountable. Plus that's a great place to challenge one another, share tips for staying on track, reach out when you want to quit, and also ask questions and encourage one another with break throughs! 

Here's some images you can share to invite your friends to do this with you. If you sign up to start a group, you will automatically be added to our Facebook group for leaders and you'll have unlimited support and access to our team. If there's any questions you have now, contact us. 

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Step three: remember a few things

These are a few things that help me whenever I’m starting a new Bible study or reading plan. Obviously for sure do Step 2 (be in a group), but these are super helpful too! Also, I’d love to hear your best Bible study tips too! Whenever you share one of the above images on social media, share your tips too. Be sure to tag me (@beckykiser) because I love re-sharing what you post!

1. As I mentioned before, give yourself grace.

These plans provide structure for you and a goal to go after. But completing this plan is not your goal, connecting with Jesus is your goal. When you get behind, not if, pick up right where you left off. If you want to “catch up” then set aside some extra time to do so. But it’s OK if a 90 day plan takes you 96, 134, or 365. Just don’t quit. You aren’t a quitter. This is worth it. You are worth it.


2. Don't give yourself too much grace—this will require effort.

We've created a bad habit within the church of giving ourselves too much grace. Yes, give yourself grace when you get behind. But don’t say, “Summer is a busy season so I’m going to give myself grace and not do a Bible study.” That’s not giving yourself grace, it’s taking grace away. His Word is life and light—it’s the very best thing you can do for yourself this summer!

You can do this, but it will require some effort. Consistently studying God’s Word isn’t something that just happens because you love Jesus. You will have to work at this, but it will be worth it! We've listed out the average time to help you pick the best plan, but you may require less or more. Once you know how much time you need, mark it off and set up some boundaries. For example, I know if I pull out my phone in the morning, then I will get trapped on Instagram. So I keep my phone across the room and then leave it on the charger until I've spent time with God. Whatever might be your hindrance, set yourself up for success!


3. Make this accessible and realistic.

Summer time can be a little bit crazier, and even if you never really go on summer break, the schedule still seems a little bit different. One great tip I was given years ago is to leave your Bible open on the counter where you are reading and read a little here and there throughout your morning and night (or day, if you are home). Find what works for you. Be flexible with the ebb and flow of summer. If you know you will be traveling one day or have people in town, consider doubling up the week before. If you have kids home for the summer tell them Mommy is having her Bible study time and they get free electronic time while you study (they will likely not interrupt you at all if you give them that, ha!). Find what works for you, and work it!

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What are you waiting for friend?! Jump straight into this challenge.

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Yes, it will totally be a challenge, but you can do it. You've done harder things that study the Bible for 90 days. Think of one thing right now that you’ve done that is harder than reading the Bible for 15-30 minutes a day. Every time you think you can't do this, remember you've done harder things. 

Right click to download this image and put it on your Instagram stories today.  The reason why this is important is two fold: 

  1. It holds you to it. When we speak our goals out loud there is greater accountability. I know that also introduces fear of failure, but you aren't going to fail at this. You got us, you will have your group (if you join or host one), and your Father will help you through this!

  2. It invites others to read God's Word. Have you ever done something simply because you saw a friend do something? Let's encourage our friends today. Maybe even consider tagging a few of them or texting them this image, too, and forming a group!

Be sure to tag @beckykiser so I can cheer you on through this!

I am so stinkin’ proud of you!

XO, Becky